Fenbendazole and Ivermectin for Breast Cancer - Dr Katrina Lewis (2024)
November 25, 2024 addendum:
Shortly after doing my October 2024 podcast with Dr. Yoho, I again had a return of liver dysfunction symptoms similar to those I had a few months prior with the ivermectin and fenbendazole combination, even though I had reduced doses of both and taken a 2-week break after that episode. My symptoms were primarily severe laryngopharyngeal reflux, dry coughing, vomiting intermittently after meals, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and significant fatigue.Miraculously, I got an earlier appointment with Dr. Lucy Kerr in Brazil via telehealth, and she gave me the correct dose of ivermectin to use indefinitely based on my weight: 1.5mg/kg (Kat weighs 140 pounds or 64 kg). Her new dose of ivermectin is 95 mg. She told me that only 10% of ivermectin is metabolized by the liver, with 90% of its metabolism occurring in the intestine. She is so knowledgeable about this drug, and she said I must stop the fenbendazole immediately and never use it again, as it is too toxic. I was desperately ill last year, and so many websites had papers extolling the anti-cancer activity of fenbendazole, but as with so much in the complementary alternative cancer world, people are just trying to sell stuff, and nobody really knows what each individual person needs for their cancer. That is why I am becoming increasingly humble and careful and have cut out almost all supplements. I still take vitamin D, and - vitamin A is essential if you are on ivermectin high dose, and of course, magnesium, dandelion tea, green tea, and a keto diet. See the amazing YouTube video interview of Dr. Thomas Seyfried on cancer and diet, and you will understand the crucial importance of diet with a cancer diagnosis. And I do continue PEMF and chlorine dioxide.
Dr. Lucy Kerr is in Brazil and can only be contacted via from the USA via WhatsApp. She does prescribe a lot of supplements, but I think that is because some of the alternative cancer treatments are not available in Brazil as they are in the USA. She is one of the few trustworthy integrative cancer physicians in the world. I know this from how she helped me in 2022. I should have listened to her then and never lowered my ivermectin dose, but I had gotten so swept up in the hype on supplements, etc, for cancer that I did not know what was working for my cancer healing. Just one of the dangers of too many supplements!!
It has taken me over two weeks to start recovering from all my symptoms and near starvation because I was not retaining any food and not wanting to eat. Bottom line: unless you have hematological cancer, where data states mebendazole and fenbendazole can work sometimes, I recommend only ivermectin as an anti-cancer pharmaceutical medication, and that fenbendazole should never be included. Do your own research; most of the complementary anti-cancer “information” out there is being done by a bunch of shills ripping cancer patients off, like the Hope4Cancer Centers.
The original post:
I found a breast cancer lump in my left breast in 2016. I stupidly allowed my doctor to biopsy the lesion, which broke the capsule around it. This may have permitted the cancer to spread to the nodes, making me Stage 2 with three positive lymph nodes. The doctors had said the lump was too big to do a lumpectomy. I should have done cryotherapy to treat the nodule but chose instead to have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction in one procedure to avoid repeated MRIs and constant worry. After surgery, they recommended tamoxifen, chemo, and radiation. I refused it all and was treated with diet, DIM supplements, vitamin D, stress reduction, psychological counseling, and spiritual work.In early 2022, I began to have a cough and shortness of breath. My chest x-ray showed a large right pleural effusion (fluid around my lung), and when it was sampled using a needle, it contained malignant breast cancer cells. My scans showed mediastinal lymph nodes (in the chest’s center), a nodule in the right upper lung lobe, and a lymph node in each armpit.
To breathe, I was forced for a time to have the fluid around my lungs extracted with a needle every two weeks. This was despite using hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a detox supplement regimen, and other treatments, including green tea, vitamin C infusions, ozone therapy, high-dose melatonin, green tea capsules, ketogenic diet, infrared sauna, and quantum biofeedback. Quantum biofeedback is an advanced system. It is different from other biofeedback that works on arousal states. Instead, it works on frequencies using a complex computer algorithm program that can be used diagnostically and therapeutically. I also began daily ivermectin (IVM) and beta-carotene supplements.
Within four months of starting IVM, the fluid stopped forming around my lungs. My PET scan six months after beginning ivermectin showed no active cancer in any fluid, no nodule in the lung, and just a couple of lymph nodes that were below the active cancer metabolic threshold.
I then (stupidly) tapered the ivermectin dose to 30 mg twice a week. I was taking so many supplements and foods that I could not tell what was working. The pleural effusion recurred about three to four months after reducing the ivermectin. It was in my left lung this time, and the mediastinal lymph nodes reappeared. I had missed the importance of ivermectin in my overall treatment plan.
In August 2023, I visited the Hope 4 cancer clinic in Cancun, but it was an expensive disaster that did nothing to help me. I again started requiring weekly pleural taps and eventually needed a Pleurex catheter to drain the fluid daily. My left lung was my only normal lung after damage to my right lung in 2022 from the constant fluid and subsequent lung collapse.
From September 2023 until July 2024, I took 120mg of IVM daily plus fenbendazole 444mg daily. Six months later, fluid stopped forming around my left lung. However, I started developing teeth staining, and after about five months, my blood enzymes showed liver dysfunction. After a 10-day break from both medications and restarting them at lower doses, I felt better. My PET/CT scans in March 2024 and July 2024 showed no cancer metabolic activity and no evidence of cancer or lymph nodes anywhere, and my follow-up scans are planned for October 2024. I now take 45mg of ivermectin five days a week, none on the weekend, and fenbendazole 440 mg twice a week.
Here is the wisdom I gained from my mistakes. The following are foundational approaches to most solid tumors--and possibly even some hematological ones.
Level One recommendations
★ Ivermectin is crucial and should be taken with food for proper absorption. I use only the compounded variety, not tablets, because the bioavailability and quality may not be assured with much of what is available online. I use 90 mg capsules from Evergreen Compounding Pharmacy and West Cocoa Pharmacy. These require prescriptions from licensed providers.
Optimal dosing is unknown, but I believe it depends upon your cancer stage. If you are stage 4 or are given only a few months to live, I would consider 1-2 milligrams per kilogram daily. Doses this high must be taken with beta carotene supplementation to avoid eye problems, the main issue with high doses of IVM taken daily for extended periods. I have always responded within a few weeks, and a friend with pancreatic cancer noted decreasing pain within a week. Complete remission may take 4-6 months. IVM must be taken with food for best absorption.
Yoho note: International suppliers are fine if you cannot afford the American compounded ivermectin or find a doctor to prescribe it. There are several in a link in the first paragraph of this post. There are no guarantees for either domestic or international pharmacies.
★ Consider adding fenbendazole 222 mg five days a week, especially if you are in a dire situation or are stage 4. I buy it at Fenbenlab.com. This drug keeps working, shows no tolerance, and has many anti-cancer mechanisms of action. It seems to synergize with ivermectin. If your liver function is poor, consider lower doses. The following is one source but do your research.
★ MMS: I take four drops hourly for 6 hours every other day. It is beneficial for cancer, possibly because viruses, fungi, parasites, and bacteria play a role in many cancers.
Yoho note: Get started with IVM and probably fenbendazole, and simultaneously begin MMS. If I were Katrina, I would use it eight hours a day, seven days a week, for months. I would also consider MMS enemas and soaking in baths for 20 minutes nightly using 100 drops (five cc) of each component after activating them and putting them into the water. This is gentle.
★ Iodine: Breast cancer patients and others with prostate or other adeno- (glandular) cancers must take 100-200mgof iodine (Iodoral, Lugol’s, or nascent) daily. You read the dose correctly, and the higher recommendation is probably better. If this adversely affects your thyroid function, get experienced supervision. Reference: David Brownstein, MD. For more information, see my iodine post HERE.
★ Diet is critical. Eat mostly protein and fat and less than 10 grams of sugar daily. Eat organic, clean, grass-fed, non-GMO meats, fish, and clean veggies. Berries are okay; they contain less sugar than most other fruits. Intermittent fasting is essential. I usually eat in an eight-hour window and consume nothing after 6:30 p.m. Yoho note: Some experts credibly tout carnivore or keto diets, but I did poorly on these.
★ Getting your vitamin D levels up to between 70-100 ng/ml helps the immune system and treats cancer. I take 15,000 IU daily with a fatty meal. If you can, sunbathe nude for an hour during the midday. Take D3 with K2, preferably in a spray or liquid form. Yoho comment: Dosing is individualized depending on blood levels and weight. Besides K2, magnesium is a critical D cofactor, and glycinate is among the best. See Henry Lahore’s vitaminDWiki.com. He said that, for best results, D levels might be maintained even higher than the above range. D is now available in 50,000 IU capsules, which do not need to be taken daily. Do not forget vitamin C, either.
Level Two recommendations
★ Exercise: Keep your body moving! Weights, walking, swimming, yoga, and lawn mowing can help. Try to get your lymphatic system going even if you are tired. LymphStar drainage is an excellent unique form of lymphatic massage.
★ 1-2 liters of water a day. I take at least a teaspoon of Celtic or Redman sea salt and powdered magnesium bis-glycinate 800mg daily with bitter melon. I also take lemon or lime juice.
★ How to deal with supplements: Putting them all into a morning smoothie makes them easier to handle and gentler on your gut. Capsules, powder, and liquid formulations are the best for absorption. Yoho note: This is now on my to-do list.
Green tea (especially matcha), dandelion, or soursop tea are essential. All have been shown to fight cancer. Essiac tea may also be helpful. Bitter melon juice and ginger, turmeric, garlic, and onions can be added. I also use moringa powder. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
If you seem to have only a few months to live or are stage 4, taking too many supplements can be harmful or useless. Plus, if you do too many things, you do not know what is working, which becomes another stressor. Focus first on diet, IVM, fenbendazole, and MMS.
★ Nattokinase 2000 IU twice a day is a safe, natural anticoagulant. It can help prevent blood clots, which cancer patients are prone to. I have taken it daily since my diagnosis. Yoho comment: A naturopath who read this wrote, “Natto is excellent but expensive. I use serrapeptase, a similar enzyme that works just as well. It also removes biofilm so the immune system and treatments can reach cancers and/or organisms. I use it personally and with my patients.
★ Hyperbaric therapy helps treat all tumors because they hate the extra oxygen. I used it to decrease the fluid around my lungs and make me breathe more comfortably, but I have not needed it recently.
★ My “providers” never recommended a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea, but during the worst of my fluid problems, I begged a friend who worked at a sleep lab to let me try one. Along with low-flow oxygen, this allowed me to wake up in the morning without being acutely short of breath.
★ Intravenous vitamin C in doses of 25 to 75 grams (not milligrams) a session helps every cancer. Three times a week for a month is a good trial.
★ If people are concerned about losing weight on a keto/high fat diet, it can be a good thing because you are losing the fat that contains toxins.
★ Boyd Haley’s heavy metals chelator, OSR, worked for me. One of my providers measured these toxins before and after a month’s treatment using a Quantum biofeedback frequency machine. My metals dropped to almost zero by then. I am planning to continue taking it for four months. Yoho: Oligoscan is another option to document your progress; read about it at oligoscan.com. I have a baseline reading and will repeat mine soon.
★ Controlling stress and working through lifelong anger, grief, and trauma is essential to calm yourself and cope with your fear of death. It also helps to reframe the messaging you give yourself in your thoughts and beliefs. I recommend finding a spiritual core with ways of focusing on the sacredness of life rather than talking about “battling” or “fighting” cancer. That sets up a stress response that is at odds with the concept that all diseases, including cancer, mainly arise from one’s own body or “terrain.” Your focus should be on nurturing the “garden of life” within us. If you can afford it, a trained counselor or psychologist can help with this. Your family members may also benefit.
★ I have my own PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequency) machine. This helps with both pain and the cancer. I bought mine from the MagnaWave company. Yoho note: Another model with an excellent reputation is Bemer. Each of these brands costs about $5000. Equine Bemer studies prove efficacy, for horses have no placebo effects.★ I take intravenous alpha lipoic acid 75mg twice a month and an IV glutathione push twice a month to help my liver detox. This prevents solid tumors from encapsulating. Oral alpha lipoic acid capsules 600mg twice daily can also help.
★ I want to emphasize that despite my naturopathic complementary medicine background, I made mistakes. It was hard even for me to know which websites are good, what supplements are worthwhile, what works and what doesn't.
Yoho notes: Despite Katrina’s training and her intellectual, emotional, and financial resources, you can see how much courage it has taken for her to face this thing. She has the same issue as me: she tries too many things at once. I do not know about her social support, but keeping your friends and relatives on your side is critical.
Big budgets are not necessary for the most essential elements of this program: fenbendazole, ivermectin, iodine, CD, and vitamin D.
Yoho: Dr. Lewis has not used hormone therapy, but it works, and she might consider it in the future.
This is from Hormone Secrets (2020). I (Dr. Yoho) watched a woman get a three-year total remission from Stage 4 breast cancer by using testosterone cream in male doses.
Can hormones be used to treat cancer? Yes. Testosterone suppresses breast cancer, and oral estradiol is safe and efficacious for treating prostate cancer. Patients using these hormones do not get damaging deficiency syndromes. Whether they work better than the industry’s conventional therapies is unknown. Costly studies will never be done because human hormones can rarely be patented—they are unprofitable compared to patent drugs.
Estrogen blockers are conventional therapies for estrogen-sensitive breast tumors. But these cause menopause symptoms and, over time, ruin health. Since testosterone is broken down into estrogen, traditional doctors think that using it for these cases is improper, especially if the patients are taking blockers.
Rebecca Glaser, MD, published her successful experience treating breast cancer using implantable pellets combining testosterone and a blocker drug. She placed these under the skin close to the cancers. Charles Mok, DO, shrank a woman’s breast cancer 75 percent in six months using testosterone pellets (personal communication. He wrote Testosterone, Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Woman, 2018). Testosterone shrinks breast cancer in animals as well.
I have heard from Dr. Glaser’s patients that she treats breast cancer patients with about three times the customary menopause testosterone pellet dosage—about three mg per pound. This likely produces blood levels over 600 ng/dl. For reference, postmenopausal women receive a pellet dose of one mg per pound, which produces blood levels of 200 to 300 ng/dl. This makes most women feel great (recall my superwomen). The usual pellet dose for a man is 10 mg per pound. This may produce blood levels of 1500 ng/dl. Weekly injections of inexpensive testosterone cypionate provide similar effects as pellets.
Side effects: Recall that high doses of testosterone for women potentially cause deep voices, enlarged clitorises, and active, possibly overactive sexuality. The women I know who use these doses for athletics do not mind, but they dislike hair growth and acne. These may be treated with laser hair removal and acne medications, including spironolactone.
Synthetic progestins such as Provera cause some breast cancer, but bio-identical progesterone is, at worst, neutral. No published literature recommends against using it for breast cancer patients. One idea favoring it is that young women with high blood levels do not get cancer.
You can find physicians online who treat breast cancer with testosterone. Consult them over the phone if they are distant. Study Glaser’s hormonebalance.org for more—she is a leader.
Should hormone therapy be used for breast cancer survivors? Yes—over 50 published studies confirm this. The mainstream recommendation is to wait five years after diagnosis before starting treatment, but some sources say to only wait one year if there is no tumor extension beyond the capsule of the armpit lymph nodes. Some studies have shown double the breast cancer recurrence rate in women who are left untreated.
Yoho again: Dig your well before you are thirsty.
If you have DFR and DFL (don’t freaking read and don’t freaking listen) to information about natural medicine and you suddenly acquire a significant health problem, your game might be over before you understand the rules. It takes time to research your options. Falling for a guru instead of doing your homework is a mistake, for there are quacks on all sides.
Conventional docs have a hard time believing that alternative methods work—and we stretch to realize that many are far better than “normie” medicine. If you are new to the alternative side, the whole thing must be a little like coming out gay. I know because I have been through it (I leave my meaning equivocal). Not only do you have to become comfortable with yourself, but you also have to convince everyone else. If you are offended by this metaphor, don’t let the unsubscribe button hit you on the a** on the way out.
If you come out sexually, you have the rest of your life to adjust. But for cancer, autism, or other issues, you might miss the race’s start, fail to find your cure, and end up dead. Dr. Lewis suffered damage before she learned what worked best. Her MD training turned out to be a liability.
Ivermectin might be the safest and most potent drug in history, and MMS, the poorly-known elephant in this room, is called “Miracle Mineral Solution” for good reason.
Even if you are going about your life’s work in good health, you could still be headed to a sickness that only becomes apparent when you hit a toxicity threshold. Every day you study alternative medicine might be a day you add to your life, so do not be lazy about it.
After all this, Dr. Lewis’s cancer was likely caused by three root canals that are still present.
No reader of the first post HERE, nor did I ask the right question to figure this out. Katrina knew about her root canals and said that if she understood how bad they were, she would have removed them when first diagnosed with cancer.
Katrina is fragile; she has to use oxygen and a CPAP machine at night. She is a trained anesthesiologist and knows she is a poor risk for root canal removal surgery. She is in the care of an International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) dentist, who claims that Katrina’s excellent oral care minimizes the root canal problem.
As this is published, Katrina’s x-rays are in the hands of the UCLA-trained maxillofacial surgeon who saved Judy’s life.
Do not miss Katrina’s brief but critical summary message about breast cancer priorities:
Thomas Levy, MD, said:
In my recent article titled "Root Canals Cause Breast Cancer Frequently," I delve into this topic. The underlying cause of cancer, invariably, is not just an increase in oxidative stress, but a significant escalation at the site where the cancer develops. While mild to moderate levels of oxidative stress may lead to various diseases and infections, cancer specifically arises when there's a sustained high level of oxidative stress in a particular tissue area. Additionally, when factors like reduced oxygen levels in that area are introduced, cells begin to undergo malignant transformation.
Breast cancer serves as a prime example of this process. Studies have shown that breast tumors often contain pathogens commonly linked to oral infections, present in high concentrations both in and around the tumor. This finding suggests a direct correlation between certain types of infections and the development of cancer, underlining the critical role of oxidative stress in the disease's progression.
HERE is the chapter from Judas Dentistry that convincingly convicts root canals as a cause of breast cancer and many other diseases.
I will send a paperback copy of one of my books to the first commenter to tell me the first question a doctor must always ask patients.![]() |
Available on Amazon.com |
Read more at https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/326-katrina-lewiss-breast-cancer
References and more
Joe Tippen’s online information about his treatment with fenbendazole is required reading. As you search online for more, if you understand that our government and institutions are out to get us, you can also peruse gems like “How cancer patients get fake cancer information: From TV to YouTube, a qualitative study focusing on fenbendazole scandle (sic)” published by the ever unreliable NIH.
OSR, Boyd Haley’s remarkable heavy metal chelator, is available through PurifyWater LLC, a licensed ProAdvocate private buyers’ group. HERE is my original post about it. Contact Dr. Kennedy at davidkennedydds@gmail.com or 619-247-5738. The online imitators illegally using the Emeramide name are selling impure products that have caused injuries. 300 mg of OSR daily for a month permanently inactivates some or all of the heavy metals in your body. This may improve or cure MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, autism, Alzheimer’s, vaccine “long Covid,” and much more. If you buy it with friends, this is less than $500.
For many more references, download Katrina’s breast cancer treatment PDF:
155KB ∙ PDF file
Appendix: The rest of the alternative world by Dr. Lewis along with her CV
74.2KB ∙ PDF file
Treatment resource
Email Kerri Rivera: Kerri@kerririvera.com.
Katrina would be a great additional resource but has retired. It never hurts to ask in the comments, though.
Dr. Lewis is an MD and breast cancer survivor. Dr. Yoho is a retired physician and journalist. This post is general commentary you may use in your quest for the best results. Neither of us claims to have all the answers, and you must find local providers to be responsible for you. Learn as much as you can and participate in your care. This is background information only and not specific advice. Everyone is different and has individual values and medical problems. Although Dr. Lewis reviewed this article before publication, my abridgment changed her emphasis and possibly content.
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