
Showing posts from July, 2023

Fluoroquinolones Linked to Fatal Heart Condition

Research shows your body’s microbiome has nearly 39 trillion bacteria.[[1] During early years, your family, dietary intake and environmental exposure contribute to the variety in your microbiome, influencing your lifelong health. Everyday activities such as brushing your teeth, eating, kissing someone or handling a family pet also affect your microbiome. Buy on Amazon This composition may be as distinct to you as a fingerprint and plays an enormous role in disease prevention, and influences the function of your skin, lungs, breast and liver.[2] Harmful bacteria can trigger illness and disease, which is frequently treated with antibiotics. Of the 10 most commonly prescribed, two are from the antibiotic class of fluoroquinolones.[3] The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first added a boxed warning to fluoroquinolones in 2008, due to the increased risk for tendinitis and tendon rupture.[4] Boxed warnings, also referred to as black box warnings, appear on prescription drug labels designed

Cases of Dengue Exploding With No End in Sight: WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that cases of dengue fever could reach record highs this year. Dengue rates are rising globally, with reported cases since 2000 up eight-fold to 4.2 million in 2022, a WHO official  said on July 21 , 2023. In January 2023, the WHO claimed that dengue is the world’s fastest-spreading tropical disease and alleged it could be a “pandemic threat.” The disease was found in Sudan’s capital Khartoum for the first time on record, according to a health ministry report in March, while Europe has reported a surge in cases and Peru declared a state of emergency in most regions. About half of the world’s population is now at risk, Raman Velayudhan, a specialist at the WHO’s control of neglected tropical diseases department, told journalists in Geneva on Friday. Cases reported to the WHO hit an all-time high in 2019 with 5.2 million cases in 129 countries, said Mr. Velayudhan via video link. This year the world is on track for “4 million plus” cases, de

The Unsettling Rise of Microwave Syndrome

Courtney Gilardi’s 10-year-old daughter never had problems sleeping. But in August 2020, the morning after a 5G cell tower was installed within 450 feet of their Pittsfield, Massachusetts, home, she woke up complaining of headaches, dizziness, a buzzing in her head, and general malaise. Normally, she gets up at 8 a.m. But on that day, she didn’t come downstairs till the afternoon. “She didn’t look well, and she said that she was headachy, dizzy, buzzy. Those are not words that she has ever used to describe how she’s been feeling before,” Ms. Gilardi said. The girl, her sister, and Ms. Gilardi herself, who said she started experiencing sleep disturbances, rapid heart rates, and migraines, were soon diagnosed with microwave syndrome, a condition known to develop after a person is exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by wireless technologies. The doctor’s advice was simple: Stay away from your home. Microwave Syndrome: What Is It and How Does It Harm You? Microwave syndrome re


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