Global Campaign for Vitamin C and COVID-19: VitaminC4COVID - The VitaminC4COVID campaign is backed by leading vitamin C scientists, doctors and nutritionists with more than 5000 signatories from about 60 countries. SOMMAI/ Shutterstock The UK-led campaign cites a review of more than 100 vitamin C trials, published recently in Nutrients . Lead author of the review, Patrick Holford, told Nutraingredients vitamin C data was as strong as that which existed for vitamin D and had the potential to reduce COVDI-19 symptoms at low cost and 'suppress viral replication in the early stages'. A randomised controlled trial in Wuhan, China showed 68% less death among critical COVID-19 ICU patients on a ventilator with high dose vitamin C. A Spanish trial showed 17 out of 18 ICU patients had undetectable vitamin C levels. "The irony is that Zhongnan Hospital ran out of COVID patients by the end of April as a consequnce of the Chinese government shipping in 50 tons (50 million 1g doses) into Wuhan on February 2nd and distrib...