
Showing posts from February, 2024

Anti Inflammatory Food List 2024

Food is medicine. Meaning that what you put in your body can affect you just like popping a pill can. Chronic inflammation is the low-level inflammation in your body that causes everything from heart disease to cancer to Alzheimer’s to arthritis. Hence, reducing that inflammation is a good thing for your health. Inflammation can be triggered by inflammatory foods, which are foods that contain elements your body perceives as foreign or threatening. You can avoid inflammatory foods and add more anti-inflammatory foods to your diet to help lower your risk of inflammation. Anti-Inflammatory Diet Researchers have identified certain foods that can help control inflammation. Many of them are found in the so-called Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fish, vegetables and olive oil, among other staples. There’s a standardized research tool that’s updated regularly that allows anybody to see if they’re eating foods we know cause chronic inflammation. This is called the The  Dietary Inflamma...

Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia?

Secondary bacterial infection of the lung (pneumonia) was extremely common in patients with COVID-19, affecting almost half the patients who required support from mechanical ventilation. By applying machine learning to medical record data, scientists at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine found that secondary bacterial pneumonia that does not resolve was a key driver of death in patients with COVID-19. It may even exceed death rates from the viral infection itself. The scientists also found evidence that COVID-19 does not cause a " cytokine storm ," so often believed to cause death. The study was published in the  Journal of Clinical Investigation . "Our study highlights the importance of preventing, looking for and aggressively treating secondary  bacterial pneumonia  in  critically ill patients  with severe pneumonia, including those with COVID-19," said senior author Dr. Benjamin Singer, an associate professor of medicine at Northwestern Unive...

Eggs, One of the World's Healthiest Foods?

While the consumption of chicken as a source of protein has become popularized in recent decades, eggs have been unfairly vilified, in part because of misconceptions regarding their cholesterol content. For decades, the American public was told that eggs, as a source of cholesterol and saturated fats, promote heart disease. However, in recent years, studies have clearly shown that eggs — particularly egg yolks — are one of the healthiest foods you can eat, and even though egg yolks are relatively high in cholesterol, numerous studies have confirmed eggs have virtually nothing to do with raising your cholesterol, having only a minimal impact on plasma lipoprotein levels. 1  As previously reported by NPR: 2 "[E]ating cholesterol can raise levels of it in the blood, but, as a growing body of research has shown, not by that much. Consuming sugar, trans fats or excessive saturated fat (from unhealthy sources) can be more harmful to cholesterol levels than dietary cholesterol itself. Mo...

Autophagy: Gobbles up Viruses and Bacteria, No Pills Required

Autophagy literally means "self-eating" and refers to your body's process of eliminating damaged cells by digesting them. It's an essential cleaning out process that encourages the proliferation of new, healthy cells, and is a foundational aspect of cellular rejuvenation and longevity. Autophagy also destroys foreign invaders such as viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, and detoxifies the cell of harmful materials. Autophagy slows down with age, and autophagy defects are known to contribute to a wide variety of diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The good news is there are a number of different ways to activate and increase this natural process, thereby preventing many health problems before they begin.  Autophagy Activation Is a Powerful Way to Treat Many Diseases Researchers are now also latching on to autophagy as a viable way to treat disease.(1) As explained in the 2012 paper, "Autophagy Modulation as a Potential Thera...

New Study Warns Against Yo-Yo Dieting

  Many people pursue weight loss and weight management in various ways. However, some methods may be more harmful than others. A recent study from North Carolina State University highlighted the negative interpersonal and psychological consequences associated with yo-yo dieting— or weight cycling. While study participants noted that they entered the yo-yo dieting cycle for different reasons, from weight-related social stigma to self-comparisons to celebrities and peers, many reported engaging in various weight loss strategies that resulted in initial weight loss but eventual regain. Researchers defined yo-yo dieting as the unintentional weight regain after dieting, an unhealthy cycle unfortunately prevalent in American culture. With so many fad diets and instant weight loss plans or drugs normalized among people, doctors don't recommend dieting unless medically necessary. Notably, the study emphasizes that unhealthy diet behaviors are typically unsustainable. Participants who rega...


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