FLCCC Alliance Protocol for COVID-19
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance was initially formed as a working group during the early COVID-19 pandemic days in response to multiple early reports of COVID patients with an inexplicably high need for prolonged mechanical ventilation and an excessive death rate. Based on rapidly emerging clinical trials evidence, the FLCCC team has developed the I-MASK+ protocol for prophylaxis and at home treatment of early stage COVID-19. Quercetin, zinc and a number of nutrients and drugs are part of this protocol, not only for critical care but also for prophylaxis and mild disease being treated at home. This article, we will dive deeper to provide the scientific background, related references and rationale of the FLCCC protocol. Quercetin and COVID-19 Quercetin is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory plant pigment that boosts your immune system and may work to control viral replication, according to some research. It allows zinc to exert its proven an...