
Showing posts from September, 2023

Dr. David Brownstein on Natural Protocols for Respiratory and Covid Viruses

  Highlights: Importance of hormones to overall health Importance of maintaining adequate iodine levels Natural therapy for COVID How to maintain a properly functioning immune system In this episode, we have Dr. David Brownstein. Dr. David Brownstein is a family physician that specializes in using vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural hormones, and utilizes nutritional therapies. He shares how he went from being a doctor practicing conventional medicine to becoming a holistic doctor. He talks about how he has helped his patients recover from COVID and gives some tips on strengthening our immune system so we can have a good immune response to stressors or illnesses. Update: Doctor David Brownstein's COVID-19 Protocol (2023) Intro: Hello, true health seeker and welcome to another exciting episode of the Learn True Health podcast. You're going to love Dr. David Brownstein who has a very interesting story that he shares right off the bat at the beginning of the show. I don't w...


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