Fenbendazole Review by Dr David Gorski: Fenbendazole is fast becoming the laetrile of the 2020s
Let’s start with the article that caught my attention over the weekend, Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Eradicated by Fenbendazole , in which 2SGitW brags, “Fenbendazole kills the cancer cells responsible for killing cancer patients.” As I learned, it’s a followup to a cancer cure testimonial published a week earlier on the Substack in which 2SGitW massively exaggerated the the significance of some promising preclinical and lab studies suggesting that fenbendazole might have anticancer activity against triple-negative breast cancer written by someone going under the ‘nym of BenFen , who claims to be a “retired University scientist who happened across fenbendazole when a loved one developed terminal cancer” and runs a Substack that publishes cancer cure testimonials due to fenbendazole. More interestingly, it turns out that fenbendazole repurposing has been a favorite “alternative cancer cure” since at least 2017, if not earlier, but the rise of ivermect...