9 Best Heart Supplements of 2024
Wouldn't it be natural to do everything possible to prevent your number one killer?
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer for men and women (CDC), and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about half of American adults have at least one of three key risk factors for heart disease (high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking). Thankfully, many lifestyle changes can benefit heart health, including eating a healthy diet, exercising, and not smoking.
You've likely researched 'best CardioVascular supplements' extensively using Google and ChatGPT. We've done the same, carefully examining multiple articles, guides and studies. This report consolidates key findings into a single, reliable resource.
Cardiovascular health refers to the overall well-being of the heart and blood vessels. It encompasses all of the elements that go into making the cardiovascular system—which consists of the heart and the system of veins, arteries, and capillaries that carry blood throughout the body—work well. Sustaining optimal cardiovascular health is essential for general well-being and longevity.
While maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise are key components of cardiovascular health, some supplements may also support heart health. However, it's crucial to remember, that supplements shouldn't take the place of a balanced diet or doctor-prescribed medication.
Best Supplements for CardioVascular Health
1. Omega-3s
The study found omega-3 fats decreased mortality from cardiovascular disease, while also reducing heart attacks and coronary heart disease events (7). This mirrors previous studies, which have also found beneficial effects of omega-3s on heart health. Omega-3 fats derived from krill oil, for instance, have been found to reduce triglyceride levels and help reduce cardiovascular risk (8).The ideal sources for EPA and DHA include cold-water fatty fish, like wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring and anchovies. If you do not eat these fish on a regular basis, consider taking a krill oil supplement.
In addition, be aware that your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio should be about 1-to-1 or possibly up to 4-to-1, but most Americans consume far too many omega-6 fats and not enough omega-3. For optimal heart health, in addition to increasing your omega-3, it’s important to cut down on industrially processed seeds oils, often referred to as “vegetable oils,” found in most processed foods.
2. CoQ10
CoQ10 decreased all-cause mortality events, according to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology study. (17) Ubiquinol — the reduced, electron-rich form of CoQ10 that your body produces naturally — plays an important role in the electron transport chain of your mitochondria, where it facilitates the conversion of energy substrates and oxygen into the biological energy (adenosine triphosphate, or ATP) needed by your cells for life, repair and regeneration.- High blood pressure — CoQ10 acts directly on your endothelium, dilating your blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.22,23 CoQ10 also decreases aldosterone, a hormone that makes you retain salt and water.24,25 When aldosterone goes down, excess salt and water are excreted through your kidneys, often causing your blood pressure to go down.
- Systemic inflammation — Supplementing with 60 milligrams (mg) to 500 mg of CoQ10 for eight to 12 weeks can significantly reduce tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), IL-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP);26,27 three measures of widespread inflammation.
- Stroke — Systemic inflammation, oxidative stress and nerve cell damage play a role in the development of stroke. Research suggests supplementing with CoQ10 can reduce ischemic lesions and improve outcomes in patients who have been treated with a statin drug after having a stroke (statins reduce CoQ10 levels in your body).28
3. Vitamin D
- Significantly reduces oxidative stress in your vascular system, which is important to help prevent the development and/or progression of cardiovascular disease
According to vitamin D researcher Dr. Michael Holick, author of “The Vitamin D Solution: A Three-Step Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problem,” vitamin D deficiency — defined as a level below 20 ng/mL — can raise your risk of heart attack by 50%.
About 4,000 patients diagnosed with stable angina pectoris (chest pain caused by coronary heart disease) were followed for 12 years. The average age at the outset of the study was 62. Overall, those with vitamin D blood levels between 16.8 and 40 ng/mL (42 to 100 nmol/L) had the lowest mortality risk.
4. Folate
The Journal of the American College of Cardiology study revealed that folic acid reduced stroke risk (12). Folic acid is the synthetic version of folate, or vitamin B9, and it’s the most important dietary determinant of homocysteine. Elevated levels of homocysteine (Hcy) are a risk factor for coronary artery disease and are found in most patients with vascular disease (13). According to a literature review published in Advances in Therapy (14):“Several mechanisms have been proposed for Hcy’s pathogenesis related to vascular disease. Hcy can cause endothelial injury, dysfunction of DNA, proliferation of smooth muscle cells, oxidative stress, decreased function of glutathione peroxidase, impaired nitric oxide synthase, and inflammation.”
5. Berberine
Berberine, a compound found in Chinese goldthread and barberry plants, has
been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. It
boasts health benefits ranging from
improved cognitive function
immune system
by reducing inflammation to controlled
blood glucose
A 2023 meta-analysis of 44 studies found berberine improved blood lipids, inflammation, and atherosclerosis with minimal risks. It also outperformed statins in reducing factors like stroke risk and artery plaque buildup.
One-third of people with Type 2 diabetes also have cardiovascular disease, according to a review published in Cardiovascular Diabetology. The two metabolic diseases are often interconnected. People with diabetes have a doubled risk of developing heart disease or experiencing a stroke in comparison to those without diabetes.
That said, high doses may cause cramping or loose stools. Therefore, working with a holistic doctor can prevent side effects.
6. Natto (Nattokinase)
Natto is a traditional fermented soybean dish widely consumed throughout Japan for thousands of years. Nattokinase, an enzyme from the fermented soy food natto, has been researched for its potential cardiovascular benefits.“Nattokinase is an enzyme that breaks down unwanted blood clots in the blood circulation,” Gitte Jensen, research director at NIS Labs, a contract research laboratory, told The Epoch Times. Nattokinase can break down problematic blood clots by “digesting” fibrin, a protein that plays a central role in blood clotting.
Studies since the 1980s have explored whether nattokinase supplements could help prevent cardiovascular events and strokes.
While some studies found nattokinase did not provide meaningful cardiovascular protection, more recent research found higher-dose nattokinase improved biomarkers in people with atherosclerosis and high blood lipids.
Nattokinase prevents plaque buildup, a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes, according to Dr. David Brownstein, a board-certified family physician. Statins are often ineffective for this, he added.
7. Magnesium and Molecular Hydrogen
Molecular Hydrogen
Molecular hydrogen is the smallest anti-oxidant. This paper (Mar 2022) reviews the basic research and recent application of hydrogen in order to support hydrogen use in medicine for ageing prevention and ageing-related disease therapy.
Molecular hydrogen has therapeutic and preventive effects on various organs. Through its anti-oxidative effect, hydrogen maintains genomic stability, mitigates cellular senescence, and takes part in histone modification, telomere maintenance, and proteostasis. In addition, hydrogen may prevent inflammation and regulate the nutrient-sensing mTOR system, autophagy, apoptosis, and mitochondria, which are all factors related to ageing. Hydrogen can also be used for prevention and treatment of various ageing-related diseases, such as neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Note: Most Molecular Hydrogen tablets have dual-ingredient formula and use pure elemental magnesium as its carrier and provides you with approximately 80 mg of magnesium per tablet. So, you receive also highly bioavailable magnesium for a healthy brain, muscles, cells, kidneys, and heart.
8. Nitric Oxide Supplements
Hypertension is a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease because it damages arteries by making them less elastic, reducing blood and oxygen flow to the heart and leading to heart disease. Additionally, lowering high blood pressure lowers the risk of cardiovascular events.Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator, which means it relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels, widening them. Nitric oxide enhances blood flow and decreases blood pressure in this way. A study showed that nitric oxide supplementation appears to lower blood pressure in patients with prehypertension and might be beneficial as a routine supplementation for cardiovascular protection.
Those given citrulline malate had 40% less muscle soreness 24 and 48 hours after the exercise than those given a placebo.
As a result, nitric oxide-increasing supplements may have important implications for diabetes therapy and disease prevention.
9. Vitamin E and Heart Health
Mainstream media often suggests that once heart disease sets in, it's irreversible, with treatments focused on managing symptoms and slowing further plaque buildup. However, a June 2024 study published in the journal Vascular Biology challenges this view, suggesting that α-tocopherol aids in reducing atherosclerosis and boosting heart function.Conducted by researchers at the University of Antwerp, the study involved mice that develop unstable atherosclerotic plaques similar to those seen in advanced human cases. This close resemblance to human plaque instability provided a solid basis for studying how vitamin E affects cardiovascular health.
The mice were fed a Western-style diet with either a low or high dose of α-tocopherol over 24 weeks. Throughout the study, the researchers observed for changes in plaque thickness, the size of necrotic (dead cell) cores and overall heart function. Their goal was to see if high-dose α-tocopherol could stabilize these vulnerable plaques and support heart health beyond its usual antioxidant role.
Their findings showed that high-dose α-tocopherol exhibited positive effects, specifically reducing plaque buildup and dead cell areas within the carotid arteries, which are key factors in preventing plaque ruptures that lead to strokes and heart attacks. As the authors explained:
"[P]laque formation in the right common carotid artery (RCCA), as shown by the plaque formation index, was significantly decreased in mice treated with a high dose of α-tocopherol. Furthermore, plaque thickness in the RCCA was significantly reduced in mice treated with a high dose of α-tocopherol. In addition, a WD (Western diet) supplemented with 500 milligrams α-tocopherol per kilogram diet reduced the necrotic core area."
In addition to reducing plaque, α-tocopherol supplementation improved heart function among the high-dose group. Mice treated with high doses of vitamin E demonstrated enhanced left ventricular performance, as shown in increased measures of fractional shortening and ejection fraction, which are key indicators of effective blood pumping.
Moreover, a reduction in cardiac mass in the high-dose group points to a protective effect against cardiac hypertrophy, a condition that progresses to heart failure if left unchecked. Interestingly, the study found an unexpected increase in markers of lipid peroxidation, including oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and malondialdehyde, in the group receiving a high dose.
This effect suggests that, at higher doses, vitamin E contributes to oxidative stress instead of reducing it. These findings show that while vitamin E has clear benefits for reducing plaque and improving heart function, its effects vary on dosage. Taking the appropriate dose is important to reap its benefits and avoid any downsides.
Omega-3, CoQ10 and Folate Supplements Boost Heart Health - Study
The researchers analyzed 884 randomized controlled clinical trials that included 27 micronutrients and 883,627 participants. The supplements tested included omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, folate, vitamin D, magnesium, L-arginine, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), melatonin, curcumin and quercetin, to name a few. These were among the supplements that suggested moderate to high-quality evidence for reducing risk factors associated with heart disease.
Specifically, the researchers found that omega-3 supplementation reduced heart disease mortality, heart attack and coronary heart disease events. Folate supplementation was associated with a reduced risk of stroke and CoQ10 helped reduce all-cause mortality events. The researchers concluded that their data highlighted the "importance of micronutrient diversity and the balance of benefits and risks to promote and maintain cardiovascular health in diverse populations."
Best Supplements for CardioVascular Health FAQ
a. How to Improve Heart Health Naturally?
- Regular exercise is super important; even small activities like walking can make a big difference.
- Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
- Managing stress through relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can also support heart health.
- Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake.
- Getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy weight round out the picture.
Key Takeaway
It's important to remember that, when it comes to heart health, supplements can't override your healthy nutrition and lifestyle.
- 1 U.S. CDC, Heart Disease Facts
- 2, 3, 5, 12, 17 Journal of the American College of Cardiology December 13, 2022, Volume 80, Issue 24, Pages 2269-2285
- 4, 6 Science Daily December 5, 2022
- 7 Journal of the American College of Cardiology December 13, 2022, Volume 80, Issue 24, Pages 2269-2285, Results
- 8 Journal of the American Medical Association, 2022; 5(1)
- 9 JACC: Heart Failure, 2022;10(4)
- 10 Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 2018;12(3):718
- 11 EurekAlert! March 15, 2018
- 13 Adv Ther. 2020; 37(10): 4149–4164., Intro
- 14, 15 Adv Ther. 2020; 37(10): 4149–4164
- 16 Life Sci. 2021 Jan 1;264:118718. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.118718. Epub 2020 Nov 5
- 18 Integr Med (Encinitas). 2014;13(4):35-43
- 19 PeerJ. 2018;6:e4790
- 20 Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014;307(3):H346-52
- 21 J Investig Med. 2015;63(5):735-9
- 22 Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 1994;15(1):s257-s263
- 23 Circ Res. 1989;65(1):1-21
- 24 Am J Physiol. 1965;208:1275-80
- 25 Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 1994;15(1):s265-s272
- 26 Pharmacol Res. 2017;119:128-136
- 27 Pharmacol Res. 2019;148:104290
- 28 Nutr Neurosci. 2019;22(4):264-272
- 29 Biofactors 1999, 371-378, page 372
- 30 Journal of the American College of Cardiology December 13, 2022, Volume 80, Issue 24, Pages 2269-2285, Discussion
- 31 GrassrootsHealth D*Action+Omega-3 Project
- 32 GrassrootsHealth Tests
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