How to Detox Spike Protein after COVID (2024)

Multiple studies have shown that the COVID-19 spike protein is a highly toxic and inflammatory protein, capable of causing problems in its hosts.

The spike protein is naturally found in SARS-CoV-2, no matter the variant. In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection.

As of June 2024, federal data published by the US CDC found that 18.4% (National Estimate) of adults who previously had a COVID-19 infection are currently experiencing symptoms of long COVID.

In its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, as Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, said in a commentary on News Voice, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.”

It’s also been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus. (R

The World Council for Health (WCH), a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge, has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein. You can view their full guide of natural remedies, including dosages, at the end of this article.

8 Ways Spike Protein Harms the Body

During more than two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many studies have analyzed the effects of the spike protein from different aspects and have discovered that it’s harmful to the human body in several ways, including: 

1. Damaging the lung cells (including the pulmonary alveoli and pulmonary endothelial cells).
2. Damaging the mitochondria and DNA structures.
3. Damaging cardiovascular cells.
4. Increasing the risk of blood clots.
5. Damaging brain cells.
6. Promoting inflammation.
7. Suppressing immunity.
8. Increasing the risk of cancer. 

We’ll go into the details of each of these points. 

Spike Proteins Can Affect Multiple Organs

When the virus enters the human body, the spike proteins will affect multiple organs in different ways. Studies have shown that many organ cells can be affected by spike proteins, such as those in the heart, brain, and cardiovascular system. In addition, a paper published in 2021 in the bioRxiv preprint repository states that S proteins cause:

  • the Type 1 catalytic receptors in the kidneys to increase in kidney cell tissues, and these types of receptors can become hosts for the virus, making the kidneys more susceptible to viral infection.
  • cells in the small intestine to stimulate a large amount of L-SIGN (liver/lymph node-specific intracellular adhesion molecules-3 grabbing non-integrin) receptors to defend against pathogens. However, this causes a reaction that eventually makes the small intestine more susceptible to viral infection. A similar situation can also occur in other organs, such as the kidneys and duodenum (the first section of the small intestine).
  • the amount of DC-SIGN (Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin) receptors in the lungs to increase, which may cause inflammatory symptoms in the lungs.

In addition, spike proteins can cause different degrees of oxidation of the organs, leading to more cells suffering premature death and putting the body in a hyperoxidized state, which may further increase the risk of cancer.

A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that spike proteins also have a direct effect on lung function.

When spike proteins are present in the human body, the pulmonary alveolar cell walls in the lungs will begin to thicken and solidify, and lung functions will decline. The pulmonary alveoli are the tiny, balloon-shaped air sacs that expand and shrink in our lungs as we breathe.

The spike proteins will also affect the function of cellular mitochondria in the lungs. Mitochondria are the power plants of our cells and hence the body’s energy base.

Spike Proteins Damage Mitochondria, Possibly Causing Long COVID

Under normal circumstances, mitochondria in cells are tubular cellular power stations responsible for synthesizing energy.

When the spike proteins stimulate our pulmonary alveolar cells or endothelial cells (which line our blood vessels and lymphatic vessels), the mitochondrial structure will change dramatically and become heavily fragmented, and the number of tubular mitochondria will be greatly reduced. As the cells in the alveoli or endothelial tissues become damaged, they no longer produce energy efficiently, which is likely to cause the cells to enter a state of premature decline and death.

Scientists have hypothesized that long COVID may be caused by this damage to the mitochondria. One of the major symptoms of this chronic form of COVID-19 is fatigue. This may be because of the fact that the cellular mitochondria are damaged or dying, resulting in a lack of energy at the most essential level of our body.

Mitochondrial damage in different cells can also bring about different symptoms. If the mitochondrial function of lung cells are damaged, then the pulmonary alveoli’s ability to expand and contract will be weakened, oxygen absorption will be poor, and the body’s metabolic level will also be reduced. This also makes one more prone to fatigue.

Damage to the Cardiovascular System and Blood Clots

The cardiac and the myocardial systems of the heart contain a very important type of cell: the pericardial cells, which are outside the endothelial cells of blood vessels and are usually combined with endothelial cells to help blood vessels transmit different signals.

A study published in Clinical Science discovered that when the SARS-CoV-2 virus enters the body, spike proteins will bind to the CD147 receptors on the surface of the pericardial cells, making them more likely to shed from the surface of the endothelial cells. This will affect some of the functions of the endothelial cells and accelerate the death of the vascular wall cells.

In addition, spike proteins themselves can directly stimulate pericardial cells to produce more pro-inflammatory factors that can damage the myocardium and cause blood clots.

Spike proteins can also induce thrombosis, which is when blood clots block veins. Another experiment published in the BioRxiv preprint repository investigated how platelets would change after being stimulated by spike proteins.

The experiment compared the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein with another viral protein called VSV (Vesicular stomatitis virus) and found that more platelets were induced to clot in the presence of the spike proteins.

Spike Proteins Impair Immunity

When the human body is infected by a coronavirus such as COVID-19, the immune system recognizes the spike protein as an invader and the innate immune system and acquired immune system get to work. Cytokines are released to signal the area to defend. In short, the impact of spike proteins on the immune systems is comprehensive. This is also shown in a paper published in the journal Leukemia.

For instance, there are 11 types of toll-like receptors in the innate immune system, and the seventh type of these toll-like receptors can recognize the RNA of single-stranded viruses. The mRNA (messenger RNA) that enters the body after COVID-19 infection or vaccination is also single-stranded, and immune cells will recognize the virus’s RNA and attack it. In the presence of spike proteins, the toll-like receptor expression quantity may increase in response to the viral attack and complementary immune cells may release more interferons in response to different viral variants.

If the amount of viral spike proteins in the body is too high, they may over-activate the expression of interferons, which may even induce the body’s immune systems to attack its own cells.

Do Vaccine Spike Proteins Stay in the Body?

As we know, the COVID-19 vaccines have incorporated an expression mechanism for the viral spike proteins that triggers our immune systems to respond to the virus. But the question remains: How long do the spike proteins from the vaccines remain in the body?

The spike proteins are divided into two parts: S1 and S2, with S1 remaining in the blood and S2 bound to the cell membranes.

A study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases discovered that the S1 proteins would appear in humans soon after the first dose of the Moderna vaccine, and that some people would still have intact spike proteins two weeks after the first dose of the vaccine.

The finding that intact spike proteins were still present in people two weeks after vaccination was beyond expectations.

Another study published in the Journal of Immunology found that S2 proteins could still be detected four months after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

However, the harm of spike proteins is related to their amount. The aforementioned side effects are all based on in vitro studies and animal models, and the relatively serious damage occurred only when the amount of spike proteins was large.

If the viral mRNA in the vaccine only appears in small amounts in the muscles and doesn’t enter the blood or organs in large amounts, then these serious side effects won’t occur. That means clearing out these spike proteins can limit their potential negative effects on the body.

How to Get Spike Proteins Out of the Body

Below you can find WCH’s full guide of useful substances to detox from toxic spike proteins, including recommended doses, which you can confirm with your holistic health care practitioner. If you’re not sure where to start, the following 10 compounds are the “essentials” when it comes to spike protein detox. This is a good place to begin as you work out a more comprehensive health strategy:
  1. Vitamin D (Buy Online)
  2. NAC (Buy Online)
  3. Ivermectin (Find a Provider)
  4. Nigella seed
  5. Quercetin
  6. Zinc
  7. Vitamin C (Buy Online)
  8. Magnesium
  9. Curcumin
  10. Milk thistle extract

World Council for Health’s Spike Protein Detox Summary Guide

Substance: Ivermectin
Where to Get: On prescription (Find a Provider)
Recommended Dose: 0.4mg/kg weekly for 4 weeks. If symptomatic, refer to the FLCCC I-Recover Protocol.
*Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use.

Substance: Hydroxychloroquine
Where to Get: On prescription (Find a Provider)
Recommended Dose: 200mg weekly for 4 weeks.
*Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use

Substance: Vitamin C
Natural Source(s): Citrus fruits (e.g. oranges) and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts)
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Recommended Dose: 6-12g daily (divided evenly between sodium ascorbate (several grams), liposomal vitamin C (3-6g) & ascorbyl palmitate (1 – 3g) (Buy Online)

Substance: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Natural Source(s): High-protein foods (beans, lentils, spinach, bananas, salmon, tuna)
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores (Buy Online)
Recommended Dose: Up to 1200mg daily (in divided doses)

Substance: Nattokinase 
Natural Source(s): Natto (Japanese soybean dish)
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores (Buy Online)
Recommended Dose: As directed on supplement

Substance: Quercetin (Flavonoid)
Natural Source(s): Citrus fruits, onions, parsley, red wine
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Recommended Dose: Up to 500mg twice daily, Consume with Zinc, Bromelain and Vitamin C (Buy Online)

Substance: Fisetin (Flavonoid)
Natural Source(s): Fruits: strawberries, apples, mangoes Vegetables: onions, nuts, wine
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Recommended Dose: Up to 100mg daily (Consume with fats)

Substance: Resveratrol
Natural Source(s): Peanuts, grapes, red wine, blueberries, cocoa
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Recommended Dose: Up to 1500 mg daily for up to 3 months

Substance: Vitamin D3
Natural Source(s): Fatty fish, fish liver oils, milk, eggs
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores 
Recommended Dose: 5000 IU daily  (Consume with K2) (Buy Online)

Substance: Vitamin K2
Natural Source(s): green leafy vegetables
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores (Buy Online)
Recommended Dose: 90-120mcg daily  (90 for women, 120 for men)

Substance: Zinc
Natural Source(s): Red meat, poultry, oysters, whole grains, milk products
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Recommended Dose: 11-40mg daily  

Substance: Magnesium
Natural Source(s): Greens, whole grains, nuts
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Recommended Dose: Up to 350mg daily

Substance: Blue Green Algae
Natural Source(s): Cyanobacteria
Where to Get: Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Recommended Dose: 1-10 grams daily

Substance: Green Tea
Natural Source(s): Camellia sinensis plant leaves
Where to Get: Grocery stores, health food stores
Recommended Dose: Up to 8 cups of tea a day or as directed on supplement

Substance: Fish Oil
Natural Source(s): Fatty / Oily fish
Where to Get: Grocery stores, health food stores (Buy Online)
Recommended Dose: Up to 2000mg daily

Substance: Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa)
Natural Source(s): Buttercup plant family
Where to Get: Grocery stores, health food stores
Recommended Dose: As directed on supplement

Substance: Curcumin
Natural Source(s): Turmeric
Where to Get: Grocery stores, health food stores
Recommended Dose: As directed on supplement

Substance: Soybeans (organic)
Natural Source(s): Soybeans (organic)
Where to Get: Grocery stores, health food stores
Recommended Dose: As directed on supplement

Base Spike Detox

According to Dr Peter McCullough (in a Twitter post - July 2023):

Base Spike Detox is what I am currently using in my practice for those who have had COVID-19 multiple times, one or more of the COVID-19 vaccines, or both and believe persistent SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could be causing problems in their body. 

Update (Nov 2023): Published on August 25, 2023 in Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE PAPER > Base Spike Protein Detoxification and on November 21, 2023 in Cureus (PubMed - November 2023)

I have arrived, based on the emerging scientific literature and my clinical observation, that three OTC products are essential as a triple base combination:
  1. Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice a day
  2. Bromelain 500 mg once a day
  3. Nano/Liposomal Curcumin 500 mg twice a day
Additional products can be added, including NAC, IVM (Ivermectin), HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine), fluvoxamine, low-dose naltrexone, and blood thinners, depending on the clinical evaluation and the syndrome. The therapeutic objective is to start treatment and allow the body to clear Spike and its fragments with the natural reticuloendothelial system. I believe this triple combination is the best approach.

Patients can get a big head start if they self-initiate Base Spike Detox as they get organized for appointments. I have found three months is a minimum duration, and some require more than a year. Don’t expect instant results, be patient. I have a major manuscript under review for publication that summarizes the clinical rationale and evidence supporting Base Spike Detox.

Important safety warnings include bleeding for those on blood thinners or who have bleeding disorders (e.g., hemophilia), soy allergy, allergies to any component of the combination, and gastrointestinal intolerance. Women of childbearing potential without contraception, pregnant, breastfeeding, and children should not take this combination unless directed by a doctor.

Key Takeaway

Patients should push their doctors to refer them to clinical trials, and when that is not feasible, then empiric therapy can be pursued. It is important to realize that in the absence of completed large randomized placebo controlled randomized trials, which are easily 5 or more years away in the future, no therapeutic claims can be made. In the meantime we must be perceptive as patients and open-minded as clinicians to come up with reasonable approaches that can be used to help those sick now with post-COVID syndromes.

Editor's Note:

Why should you trust this article? While we don't ask for blind trust, we do encourage you to trust in your own judgment. Our primary goal is to empower you to conduct thorough research and make informed healthcare decisions in consultation with your trusted medical doctor.

Though there are many spike protein detox treatment protocols out there, we consider and recommend the I-Recover protocol as one of the best.

Given the lack of clinical trials of long-haul COVID-19 syndrome, these recommendations are based on the abnormal changes within the body associated with the COVID-19 disease and post viral illnesses along with the collective experience of FLCCC members.

This protocol has also been used to treat post-vaccine inflammatory syndromes with similar success. As with all FLCCC Alliance protocols, the components, doses, and durations will evolve as more clinical data accumulates. 

Due to the marked overlap between long COVID and post-vaccine syndrome, please refer to the I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment protocol for detailed treatment strategies.




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